Monday 19 March 2012

new techniques

              The independent study novel study that I have chosen to do was the twelfth Night by William new things Shakespeare. Since this is an independent study some things that I expect to get out of this play is the following. Starting off I will have to do some major background research, looking up summaries of the play and online novel‘s to study from, other study’s that I may come across might be online video’s and any book’s that I might be able to come across. Most if not all of the research that I come across will be done online due to the fact that it’s convenient for me and it’s up to date. To study the information that I collect from the online website’s I will highlight or copy and paste the important information that I have come across and save it on a separate document so that when I need to be reminded of something it is right at my fingertips. Other things that I can do are take old fashion notes on paper to keep them handy or maybe invest in watching YouTube videos about my play to gather more information that may be important to me in the end. Going into this independent study I truly don’t know what to expect or get out of this because thought out my high school years I have not had much luck with all of the Shakespeare’s plays I have done. Knowing that I have to read the play and do everything independently make’s me a tad scared because understanding Shakespeare’s language is not my number one forte.  As of discovering new things about my novel study some things that I hope to take out of this project are, a better overall understanding of the play then I have had with all the other Shakespeare play I have done. Also I hope to enjoy my novel and discover a new way of Shakespeare that I have not yet to discover before. Overall I think that I will learn several new techniques that involve new study, researches and discovering methods that will be helpful to me not only now but also in my future post-secondary years. Most importantly however I hope to discover a decent understand of the novel I have chosen to do.       

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