Wednesday 21 March 2012

list of skills

               After reading this article I carefully went over the ten skills that were discussed, after going over everything I easily noticed what skills I have and don’t have.  The first skill listed being internet search was something I am not skilled in. Computer skills aren’t really my number one skill and everything computer related which brings up the second skill listed in the article which is office suite skills. Office suite skills consist of students being able to know how to create, edit, and modify documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. All those skilled need to be performed in the office by students is something I wouldn’t be able to complete by myself. Although all of the skills listed in this article have everything to do with using some form of internet, skipping to number five which is social media is a skill I would say I have.  How to properly use social media for school and work, how to protect yourself on it are all skills needed for the social media world are all skills needed for social media which I believe I have.  Skipping down to the very last skill being finding apps and software, it would be something that I consider also being good at. How to find, evaluate, and use apps for school and business ,also how to find quality, free alternatives to paid software, apps and services are all the skills needed for finding apps and software which being all skills that I am capable of doing. Going back up to number eight being hardware basics and troubleshooting which involves everything from antivirus, spam, phishing, too much personal information sharing, stalkers, and more are all issues they need to know about. All those skills listed above I don’t feel that I am practically good at. The skills listed in this article pretty much all have something to do with computers and technology. With that being said I believe that technology is something I am overall skilled in, which makes it pretty hard to find many skills that I am successfully talented in.

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