Sunday 1 April 2012

shakespeare blog post number three

Agree Or Disagree

1)After looking over the few tweet comments, points and ideas that were made there really wasn’t much to reflect back on due to the slight amount that was made. The tweet that I would say I strongly agree with was made by yourself being, cyber bullying is a crime. I agree with this particular tweet the most because being a teenager myself I would say that cyber bullying is something that can greatly affect an individual’s life in a negative way due to all the verbal tormenting and teasing. With all that said cyber bullying is an enormous crime because it results in teenage suicide daily, and everyone knows that taking the life of someone is in fact a crime and the instigator should be punished with the appropriate sentence. Besides that one particular tweet there wasn’t really any other tweets that I would say I strongly agree or disagree with.

2)  When studying a topic that you have an innate prejudice against a way to get your frustration out is to wait until you get the appropriate time to explain your reasoning. Sometimes a strong debate is a good way to get all your frustration out and give people the chance to disagree and agree with what’s being said. Another possible good way to get all your frustration out is writing about the topic in an upcoming essay so you can get all your thoughts and frustration out at once. A student can overcome a barrier like “I don’t like the way that class is being taught” by doing what I did at the beginning of this course. At the beginning of this course I quickly learned that this course is mostly online and has a lot to do with technology. Being a student that wants nothing to do with technology I automatically started to doubt my ability’s in succeeding in this particular course. After knowing that I needed this course and dropping out wasn’t an option I knew I had to look for the positive things to overcome the negative ones. Being a student that isn’t comfortable using computers I think that this was a good opportunity to get comfortable and prepared for my post-secondary years before paying tuition. Now that I am more comfortable using technology I believe that I have become a better student not only now but for the future years. The moral of this is to overshadow the negatives with the positives to overcome a bad barrier.

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