Wednesday 4 April 2012

always learning

         Looking forward at new technology today I think it’s safe to say that it has come a far way over the past years. This new type of always leaning is basically all new to me; although I am still young and I really should be all up-to-date with this new type of technology it sad to say… unfortunately I am not. With that said I am still learning and this upgrade course has been an eye opener for me, before this course I really didn’t like using technology that much beside my cellphone I really didn’t have any interest in technology and I really didn’t want to learn. Some advantages of technology today Is that a lot of it you can do for free which is a plus, you can watch movies, learn math lesson, download software and many more interesting new things that your probably never heard about all for free. Learning about the internet isn’t an overnight kind of thing, I am literally learning new things and about using the internet every day and each day I am getting better than I was the day before.   To stay up-to-date on this new always learning technology you need to been spending a lot of your time learning new things and some people don’t have that type of time, so if you are a  relatively busy person that could be a possible negative thing going for you.  I can’t really think of any cost reduction but that’s probably because I am not that involved with the new technology these day, but if I was forty years old with a full time job I’m sure that I could think of some cost reductions that could be made. Overall I think that the always learned and evolving technology is a positive thing for today’s society because of all the successful outcomes are society has had.    



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