Wednesday 11 April 2012

itunes 4

As technology has changed for the better so does the teaching and learning methods of universities and colleges. With time everything has to chance because new techniques are discovered to enhance the old ones, so that’s what I believe is taking place in today’s society. Universities and colleges are going in this type of technology route because it’s easier for the students to learn and it’s a different type of teaching technic for the professors. I also believe that universities and colleges are going in this type of route because when the student graduate from the post-secondary school and go into the work force their not going to be too far behind in the technology field with all their experiences in their previous years.

The type of possible advantages for the students has something to do with what I just stated, and that is that they have that advantage when they go to their future jobs. They have an advantage over all the other people that don’t have this type of technology taught in their post-secondary years, giving todays people a better opportunity to get hired. New technology has defiantly sky rocketed from what it previously was many years ago, and like people say some things change for bad and some things change for good and the technology has definitely changed for good. Technology is something that gives people an opportunity to learn for free, to learn bigger and better things and lastly to give people an opportunity to get ahead.

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