Sunday 1 April 2012

Romeo and Juliet

After viewing the three different videos posted of Romeo and Juliet there were some automatic opinions on why there is such a major difference in the way the audiences perceive understanding of the major characters.  Starting off with the latest version which was released in 1996, I think the audience is able to perceive a greater understanding of the major characters because it is the most up to date and considered “todays” version of Romeo and Juliet. Being today’s version, the movie uses a more understandable diversity of the Shakespeare’s language, giving the audience a more overall understanding of the entire movie. With that being said, having the ability to achieve the full understanding of the movie you are simply able the perceive the major characters more easily due to the overall more up to date version of Romeo and Juliet.  The second video watched being released in 1968 has a bit of the newest version and the oldest version of Romeo and Juliet. From what I have viewed of the video clip posted, you can clearly see that they make it obviously who Romeo and Juliet are. With that being on the plus side you still need to consider that since it is a more dated version the Shakespearean language is a bit rougher to fully understand some of the other less major character that still play an important role in the overall movie of Romeo and Juliet. Finally the last video clip viewed was from 1954. Being the most dated version watched I believe that it would give the audience a harder time to fully understand the major characters, yet alone the overall movie. Since it is the oldest version the plot and language used are a lot more difficult for not only myself but the audience to understand. With the overall understanding of the movie being rocky I believe it makes a major difference in the way the audience perceives understanding of the major characters.  To be able to perceive the major characters I feel as if you need to be able to understand the plot of the movie first, and to do that you need to have a full understanding of the language that is being used. With each newer version of Romeo and Juliet being easier to understand I think it gives the audience a better understanding to perceive the major characters, and gives them a chance to see the major differences that a newer more up to date version gives you.

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