Sunday 15 April 2012

Why i chose this topic for my PLN.....

         I chose the topic healthy living for my PLN because I feel as if it’s something that I need to work on and start to enroll myself in every day.  Although I don’t have any type of weight issues or anything like that I feel as if it’s still important to be eating healthy foods and it’s still important to be getting your daily exercise. I’ll admit I don’t eat healthy and I don’t get my daily exercise but I believe this summer is a perfect opportunity to start my new ways before I go off to university.  Another reason why I chose this topic is because I would like to live a long happy healthy life. With that said these are some of the benefit of living a healthy life that I could think of, it reduces your risk of dying prematurely, Reduces your risk of dying prematurely from heart disease, Reduces your risk of developing diabetes, Reduces your risk of developing high blood pressure, Helps control your weight, Helps you build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints, Promotes psychological well-being.
            Although this area isn’t really something I could say I have a lot of awareness or experiences in I am able to say I am trying and that this Is exactly why I am doing healthy living for my PLN. Hopefully after I have completed all my research needed for my PLN I able to become more aware of what’s needed to change my daily routine for the better and what’s needed to switch my current bad habits for good ones that will later on benefit me in the future. When I have completed my PLN I hope that it just doesn’t stop there.  
This picture represents some of the habits I would like to enroll myself into so that I can get the best results.

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