Sunday 15 April 2012


        Eating a healthy lunch and dinner is not something that I normally struggle with, but being someone that can literally eat all day….. Snacking has become a problem. When I’m hungry between  meals which is always I tend to go for the things that I can just quickly get my hands on, some snacks may include cookies, granola bars, pizza, candy and my most favorite CHIPS. With that said I think that snacking is one of my weaknesses and is something I want to work on so that I can become a healthier individual.   

Bad snacking

After doing some research on how I can substitute my unhealthy snacks for healthier snack this is what I was able to find.  

·         Fresh fruit or individually packed containers of cut-up fruit.

·         Raw vegetables including carrots, peppers, zucchini, cherry or grape tomatoes.

·         Baby carrots and whole wheat pita triangles with hummus.

·         Pumpernickel bagel with peanut butter and banana.

·         Fresh, frozen or canned fruit with low fat yogurt or in a smoothie.

·         Sweet red, yellow or green peppers and bread sticks with salad dressing or low fat dip.

·         Whole wheat tortilla wrap made with salmon or tuna and salad dressing, onions, celery and green peppers.

·         English muffin with melted cheese and apple slices.

·         Dry mixed cereal and a container of milk.

·         Dark green leafy salad with orange sections and almonds.

·         Nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds.

·         Plain popcorn.

·         Popsicles made with 100% fruit juice or yogurt.

·         Water, milk, fortified soy beverage or 100% fruit juice.

All of the snacks listed above are foods I would actually eat, I just need to get into the habit of making food instead of just grabbing what’s around me and that Is something I am going to work on.

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