Wednesday 11 April 2012

itune 3

       The two lectures that I have chosen to do on iTunes both had to do with psychology. I chose to do psychology because it is something that has interested me throughout my high school years and will later on study as a minor in university. is the link to the first lecture that I got through on general psychology. This lecture basically gives a brief description of the following, the human mind, along with such aspects of mind as perception, cognition, emotion, and behavior.  Although I believed that I had a decent general understanding of psychology I did learn some new interesting fact that I didn’t know before.

The second lecture that I decided to look at was on human happiness. that been the link of this lecture.  Some new interesting things that I did not know before about human happiness are the following. To be happy is the pursuit of any normal human being. Compared to sadness, happiness breeds an atmosphere of joy and strength that sustains and energizes us. I have also learned that happiness doesn’t come from what we have in comes from the confidence we have within us.

Overall I believe that it is important to have a good background understand of what you might be taken later on in your future and that is exactly why I chose to listen to these two lectures on psychology. It is never bad to have too much knowledge and it is never bad to greater your understanding of something that may later on be you career for life and that is exactly what I believe I did today.   

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