Wednesday 4 April 2012

Khan Academy

           Khan Academy was totally something new to me until about a month ago when a friend told me all about it and how it works. Although I have never used khan Academy or any online system before but looking back I wish I knew about this kind of learning system earlier. Last semester I was enrolled in data class and had some trouble understanding everything about it, especially when I missed a couple days of school here and there. Looking back I wish I was aware of khan academy  to teach me about the subjects I didn’t get too clearly or to teach me about  the lessons I missed out on. Khan Academy looks generally simple to use everything on the same page and it not to cluttered, plus it seems to have every subject with every kind of lesson on it which is convenient to everyone even parents.  Another positive thing about khan academy is that its free, some people don’t have the money to spend on tutors and other kinds of help especially when you’re paying for your own education. So the fact that you can go online type in what you want to learn about watch it whenever you want and it’s free makes Khan Academy different from anything else I have ever heard about. Although I probably won’t use Khan Academy throughout my high school years I think when I get off to university it will probably be more helpful to me especially since most of it is online anyways. Overall I think that Khan Academy is an excellent problem to help people of all ages to learn and get a better education for free at any time of the day, I believe that this will be a successful program for many years to come.

I think that this would have been a lesson that would of helped me a semester ago      

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